
Minor Requirements

Certain departments, divisions, and programs in the College of Arts and Sciences afford an opportunity to minor in an additional field of concentration other than the major field.

A minor consists of at least 15 credits; the specific content is determined by the department, division, or program concerned. A minor is optional and, if successfully completed, will be shown on the university transcript in the same manner as the major field. A 2.0 minimum grade-point average is required for courses in the minor. Because of this requirement, no course in the minor program may be taken with Pass/Fail grading. No more than one course may be double-counted toward a major and a minor, and no more than one course may overlap between two minors.

Minors in the College of Arts and Sciences departments and programs are available for degree candidates in other colleges within the university, with approval of their college advisor. Minor forms may be obtained through the respective departments.

Please see below for a list of minor and certificate programs available to students in the CAS through the other undergraduate colleges. 

List of Minors:

Minor & Certificate Programs Available to CAS students: